Friday, September 30, 2011

Top ten worst thing that could hapen at my sleepover

10.One of the girls at my sleepover have swine flu.
9.Monsters pop out of the ground and eats our tent.
8.Dalin pops out of the ground and eats all the marshmallows
7.Every one leaves Flying on poof deers.Leaving me and taking all the marshmallow
6.All of the ghost stories come to life.
5.One of the girls gets killed by a ax maniac.
4.Every one starts singing "this is the song that never ends". (and they never end!!!)
3.It rains gummy bears and popcorn .Which i guess is not a bad thing but the girls would get all hipper.
2.The world goes KABOOM .
1 .And the worst, the least best of all, the thing that keeps us all up at night.WATER SPILLING ON MY PANTS!!!!!!

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