Monday, October 10, 2011

A story about a man who skipped his breakfast.

James alarm was to go off at 6:00 am. unfortunately he slept through it and woke at 8:00 am. James cursed the clock and jumped out of bed,got dressed brushed his teeth and ran for the car. Breakfast James thought and ran inside, there he ate a bagel and coffey. he then got into his car when he heard a boom and ducked his head. I wonder what that is he thought to himself. At 8:37 he arrived at work Bethany, his boss was not exactly what you call a happy camper, to make a long story short he was given a warning to not be late again or else bad things
           The next day the same thing happened. "Not again!" He cried and went through his morning routine. This time he was smart and left his breakfast alone, or so he thought. during the drive he was in a good mood. He wasn't going to be late. All was well when he heard a familiar BOOM! That was the last thing he heard.


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